TSSC Summer meeting 2022

Hello all, TSSC is happy to announce that this year’s summer meeting will be held in in-person at Beckman Center in Irvine, California from July 6th-8th, 2022. The meeting aims at the general topic ‘Connected Intersections: Early Advancements, Lessons Learned and Looking Forward to the Future, for All Users. For July 6th-7th, we will address committee business as well as learn from a variety of speakers on the meeting topic. On July 8th, a field trip will be conducted. A detailed schedule is given as follows:

  • DAY 1 – Committee Business – July 6, 2022

    • 08:30 am : Subcommittee: Standards and Technology
    • 09:15 am : Subcommittee: Simulation
    • 10:00 am : Break
    • 10:30 am : Subcommittee: Multimodal
    • 11:15 am : Subcommittee: Signal Timing
    • 12:00 pm : Lunch
    • 01:00 pm : Subcommittee: Education
    • 01:45 pm : Subcommittee: Research / Task Force Updates
    • 02:30 pm : Break
    • 03:00 pm : Business Meeting
    • 05:00 pm : Adjourn
    • 06:00 pm : Social Activity (on your own)
  • DAY 2 – Workshop – July 7, 2022

    • 08:00 am : Introductions
    • 08:10 am : Session 1: Connected Intersection: Where are we now?     This session will cover the Connected Intersection state of practice, with speakers discussing insights on the vehicle perspective, test bed deployments, and documentation/standards issues
      1.  Roy Goudy, Nissan Technical Center North America: Traffic Optimization for Signalized Corridors
      2. John Thai, City of Anaheim: Preparing for ITS and Connected Vehicles/Intersections –An IOO Perspective
      3. Stephen Smith, Rapid Flow Technologies: Connecting Travelers to Real-time Traffic Signal Control for Enhanced Mobility
      4. Jimmy Kim, Verizon: Capabilities at the Mobile Edge
    • 10:00 am : BREAK
    • 10:15 am : Session 2: Recent Standards and Advancements        Speakers in this session will delve into deployment needs for operational parameters, field equipment testing, and signal system-level implementation.
      1. Patrick Chan, ConSysTec
      2. Ralph Boaz, Pillar Consulting: Using an Assured Green Period for Red Light Violation Warning Operation
      3. Dustin DeVoe, Econolite:: Controller Updates to Support Connected Intersection Guidance
      4. Jay Parikh, CAMP, LLC: Connected Intersections for Connected Vehicles –Making it Work
    • 12:00 pm : Lunch
    • 01:00 pm : Session 3: Recent Connected Infrastructure Deployments and applications for all users                                                                  This session will explore recently connected infrastructure deployments in signalized corridors, focusing on how connected vehicle applications are integrated with and supported by traffic signal infrastructure. Speakers will delve in how our industry can move forward with connected infrastructure deployments in a changing automation environment.
      1. Srinivasa Sunkari, TTI: Traffic Optimization in Signal Corridors (TOSCo) Infrastructure Deployment
      2. Blaine Leonard, UDOT: Deploying Connected Vehicle Systems, Utah’s Experience
      3. Sirisha Kothuri, Portland State University: Pedestrian Behavior Study to Advance Pedestrian Safety in Smart Transportation Systems Using Innovative LIDAR Sensors
      4. Doug Gettman, Kimley-Horn: Cloud Based Freight Signal Priority, NCTCOG
    • 02:45 pm : Break
    • 03:00 pm : Session 4: Moderated Panel on how to move forward              Larry Head, Moderator: Select presentations followed by a diverse panel will discuss the path forward for implementation and operation of connected intersection features within the constructs of existing operational parameters and IoT.
      1. Burak Cesme, Kittelson & Associates: Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Capacity Adjustment Factors for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections
      2. Eric Ramoot, Econolite and Stan Young, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): Open Source Edge Data Fusion and Exchanges
      3. Howell Li, Purdue University: Successes and Challenges of using a Cloud-based platform for Traffic Signal Analytics with Connected Vehicle Data

Panel Topic: Recommended changes to standards and national ITS architecture to adapt to emerging technologies

      1. Burak Cesme, Kittelson & Associates
      2. Howell Li, Purdue University
      3. Stan Young, NREL
      4. Eric Raamot, Econolite
    • 05:00 pm : Adjourn
    • 06:00 pm : Social Activity (on your own)
  • DAY 3 — Tour of City of Anaheim Facilities and Testbed (Hosted by John Thai) – July 8, 2022

    • 08:00 am : Depart Hyatt Newport Beach
    • 08:30 am : Tour – City of Anaheim Facilities and Testbed
    • 12:00 pm : Conclusion of Tour

TSSC Virtual Summer Meeting 2021

Hello all, As decided in our last summer meeting, this year’s summer meeting is also being held virtually. There is no need for registering. Just click on the following links which will lead you to the corresponding agenda and their respective zoom links.  As always, please share with whomever you think may be of interest.

  1. August 2nd, 2021, 3 pm – 5 pm EDT: Joint Subcommittee Meeting: Signal Timing, Multimodal, and Simulation Subcommittees
    1. Simulating Traffic Signal Functionalities in SUMO Simulation” – Peter Wagner (German Aerospace Center)
    2. Signal timing inventory for every city using OpenStreetMap: Connecting
      Citizens, Open Data and City Planners” – Dr. Xuesong (Simon) Zhou, Arizona State University and Dr. Milan Zlatkovic, University of Wyoming
    3. Estimating pedestrian delay at signalized intersections using high-resolution event-based data: a finite mixture modeling method.” Dr. Abolfazl Karimpour,  University of Arizona
  2. August 9th, 2021, 3 pm – 5 pm EDT: Joint Subcommittee Meeting: Standards, Asset Management, and Education
  3. August 16th, 2021, 3 pm – 5 pm EDT: Business Meeting of the Standing Committee on Traffic Signal Systems
    1. 2022 TRB AM Report, Richard Cunard
    2.  NCHRP Update to the committee, Ray Derr
    3. FHWA Arterial Management Program Update

TRB 2021

Here is the schedule for the 2021 TRB Annual Meetings pertaining to the ACP 25


Committee Meetings (Free, but you need to register):


Technical Sessions / Workshops (requires paid registration)