TSSC Summer Meeting 2017 (July 30-Aug2)

Tentative Agenda

8:00 – 10:00 a.m. ITE Opening Plenary Session
10:00 AM Education Asset Management
11:00 AM Multimodal Technology
12:00 PM Committee Lunch – separate from ITE
1:00 PM Signal Timing Agenda
2:00 PM Simulation and Research
3:00 PM Committee Meeting
4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Traffic Bowl Grand Championship
8:00 – 9:30 a.m. Technical and Focus Sessions
Implementing Vision Zero Best Practices Let’s Be Smart About Growth: Applications of Trip Data Measuring Performance and Effectiveness: What Can You Tell Your Community about How Well Your Signals Work for Them Planning for the Arrival of Autonomous Vehicles Tools for the Next Generation of Leaders It Doesn’t Just Sit There: Operating the System
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open (See List of Exhibitors)
9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Beverage Break in Exhibit Hall and Poster Sessions
10:30– 12:00 p.m. Technical and Focus Sessions
Bringing Connected Vehicles to a City near You The Radicalism of “Vision Zero” Traffic Safety Get With the Program: Managing Traffic Signals Mobility Hubs: Making Transit Connections Freight Impacts on Transit and Downtown Streets: New Tools to Create Solutions All for One and One for All: Complete Streets Implementation
12:15 – 1:45 p.m. Power Lunch with John Leonard
2:00 – 3:15 p.m. TRB Signal Systems Committee Session (in ITE Program)
3:15 – 4:15 p.m. Beverage Break in Exhibit Hall and Poster Sessions
4:15 – 5:30 p.m. Plenary Session
5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Hockey Night in Canada Reception
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Canadian Street Hockey Game
8- 10:30 AM Field Trip to Toronto TMC
1030 – Noon TBD
1:00 PM FHWA Role in ATSPM, GCOST, & Everyday Counts
1:30 PM Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures
3:00 PM Coffee Break
3:30 PM  Session  2
City of Portland
Econolite Farhad Pooran
Miovision Erin Skimson
4:30 PM ITE Wrap Up
Technical Tour
TRB traffic signal committee (AHB25) is arranging a tech tour to Toronto TMC on Aug-2-2017 during the mid-year meeting. If you are interested, please open the following link and fill in your contact information. The reason for this counts is that the Toronto TMC can accommodate at most 30 people each time. If we have more persons than that, we will need to split into two groups. Thanks


Annual Meeting TRB 2017

TRB 2017- AHB 25 Sessions and Meetings

[Program ICS to Download]

[2016- Mid-year meeting Minutes]


8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Marriott Marquis, Liberty N (M4) Traffic Signal Systems Research Subcommittee, AHB25(2) More Details… [Agenda]

9:30 AM – 10:45 AM Marriott Marquis, Liberty N (M4) Simulation of Traffic Signal Systems Subcommittee, AHB25(3) More Details…[Agenda]

11:00 AM – 12:15 AM Marriott Marquis, Liberty N (M4) Traffic Signal Systems Technology and Standards Subcommittee, AHB25(4) More Details…

1:30PM- 4:30PM Convention Center, Salon C
 Workshop 180: IGNITE: Traffic Signal Systems with Innovative Technologies. More Details… 
2:00PM- 3:00PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty N (M4) Asset Management for Traffic Signal Systems Subcommittee, AHB25(6). More Details… [Agenda]
3:15PM- 4:15PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty N (M4)
Multimodal Traffic Signal Systems Subcommittee, AHB25(5). More Details… [Agenda]
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty N (M4) Traffic Signal Systems Education Subcommittee, AHB25(7). More Details…[Agenda]
10:15AM- 12:00PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Ballroom Salon 10 (M2)
Traffic Signal Timing Subcommittee, AHB25(1). More Details… [Agenda]
10:15AM- 12:00PM Convention Center Hall E
POSTER Event 320: Multimodal Operations at Signalized Intersections. More Details…
1:30PM- 5:30PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Ballroom Salon 5 (M2)
Traffic Signal Systems Committee Meeting. More Details… [Agenda]
7:30PM- 9:30PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Ballroom Salon 5 (M2)
Traffic Simulation Models Joint Subcommittee of AHB45, AHB40, AHB25, AHB20, ADB30, AHB55, ADC20. More Details…


8:00AM- 9:45AM Convention Center, Hall E
Poster Session 528: Adaptive Control of Traffic Signal Systems. More Details…
10:15AM- 12:00PM Convention Center, Hall E
Poster Session 579: Evaluating the Performance of Traffic Signal Systems. More Details…
1:30 PM- 3:15 PM Convention Center, Hall E
Poster Session 648: Innovations in Timing and Operations of Traffic Signals. More Details…
8:00AM- 9:45AM Convention Center, Salon A
Lectern Session 773: Traffic Signal Control in a Connected Vehicle Environment. More Details…
8:00AM- 9:45AM Convention Center, Salon C
Lectern Session 796: Application of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Traffic Signal Systems. More Details…

TSSC Review Request

Fill out the survey based on your profession

This year we have designed google polls to collect your choices for the reviews.

Please select the appropriate poll based on your current employment. The papers that get enough number of reviewers will be automatically eliminated from the poll. So please fill out your choices as soon as possible to get your first picks.


Public Employees (DOTs, cities, counties, etc.) Link: https://goo.gl/forms/zsjS3WpwtUG4uq5B2


Private Employees (Consultants, Manufacturers etc.) Link: https://goo.gl/forms/AvxkdS8hoqnHZm4v2


Academic (University, Research Labs, Graduate Students etc.) Link: https://goo.gl/forms/gQDDL6fFIinfJNWu1

Also, if you have any conflict of interest with a paper – which we understand you may not know until you get the assignment and see who wrote the paper – please let us know as soon as possible.

We will begin to make paper assignments as soon as possible and our plan is to have assigned the majority of the reviews by August 20 so that everybody has sufficient time to complete the reviews. Reviews are due September 15, 2015.

TRB’s review guidelines can be found here:
If you have students, colleagues, friends, or others that would be interested in reviewing papers, please share the email with them. Again, ask them to select the polls based on their current employment.

Please be mindful that we need high quality reviews that are constructive to the authors. We would prefer you select fewer papers and do an excellent job of determining the contribution and quality of each paper. We need high quality reviews to find the best contributions. Please make sure to provide sufficient comments to justify your scores to assist with presentation and publication decsions.
Also, please use the confidential notes to the chair to let me know if a paper should be considered for any award, including the Traffic Signal Systems Committee Best Paper award (for both the research & practice-oriented categories).

Thanks. We look forward to seeing all of you at TRB in January!